Opera-, Oratorio- and Lied singer.

Passionate performer and teacher within the field of voice and human expression.

About Me

Passionate Soloist

Striving to connect humans through music. 

Leaning on a long musical journey which has taken its path through choral music, soloist parts in beautiful oratorios, musical theater, opera and operetta - I now enjoy sharing my experience and joy in music both with audience as a performer and with students as a teacher. I hold a Bachelor in Vocal Performance from the University of Technology/College of Music in Piteå and a Master of fine arts in Opera from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Based in Leipzig, Germany and Gothenburg, Sweden. 


Listen to some songs and arias

Hôtel, Banalités
Francis Poulenc

The Seal Man 
Rebecca Clarke

Va! Laisse couler mes larmes
Jules Massenet

Get in Touch

I look forward to hearing from you!


© Helena Gedda 2024 
